oil or Erandi ka tel as it is popularly known in India, is an
inexpensive solution to most of your problems. Growing up our mom used
it so much for everything, that it was an essential item at our home and
now it is in my home too. It is anti inflammatory, a natural moisturizer, a powerful laxative, anti fungal and so much more.
Castor oil is such multi-functional oil and its benefits are just endless. Have you used castor oil too? Do share why you used it for.
you google about the benefits of castor oil you will get a long list
but today's post is about how we used castor oil in our daily lives
while growing up.
Laxative: To
start with, it is an effective laxative. Our mom made sure we consumed
it once every 3 months. It is the safest laxative and can be
administered to babies as well with doctor's approval.
heat: Whenever anybody in the family suffered from heat stroke, we
would apply castor oil like kajal in our eyes (with our ring finger) before going to bed. It
would soothe the burning eyes, and would ensure a good night's sleep. In
the morning when we woke up, our eyes would be all sticky. But it
miraculously made us feel better and well rested.
Chapped lips: I have always used castor oil to heal my chapped lips and never invested in lip balms.
and Eyelashes: If you want thicker and fuller eyebrows and eyelashes,
castor oil is the cheapest and easiest way to enhance their growth.
The benefits of castor oil for your hair and scalp are innumerable. Mix
it with coconut oil or olive oil and apply directly on scalp and hair
to see thicker and shinier hair in a few months.
Menstrual Cramps: Whenever we suffered from menstrual cramps, our mom would massage warm castor oil on our tummy for a few minutes and it helped relieve the pain.
Menstrual Cramps: Whenever we suffered from menstrual cramps, our mom would massage warm castor oil on our tummy for a few minutes and it helped relieve the pain.
Induce Labor: Castor oil has
been used since ages in India to induce labor. Most of my friends and
my mom who had normal deliveries had all gulped down castor oil to
induce labor. And it helped them induce labor successfully.
Stretch Marks: Even though I used Bio oil for my stretch marks, most seniors in my family have
always relied on castor oil to get rid of their stretch marks. It works
on fresh stretch marks only and lightens them to a great extent.
Constipation in Kids: As kids whenever we suffered from constipation, our mom would add
a few drops of castor oil to a spoonful of honey and offer it to us for
a few days. The problem would be solved effortlessly.
Joint Pain and Body Aches: Massaging your belly button with castor oil regularly helps you manage joint pain and body pain better.
Joint Pain and Body Aches: Massaging your belly button with castor oil regularly helps you manage joint pain and body pain better.
Castor oil is such multi-functional oil and its benefits are just endless. Have you used castor oil too? Do share why you used it for.