Friday 16 January 2015

So-Saree Turns 2 !

Can you believe it..?
It's been two years, since So-Saree took birth.
It makes me so proud and happy today.
I am so tempted to go out and celebrate my blog's birthday, but it's a working day and I have so many deadlines to meet.

The last year, we had a month long blogathon. This year I am not too sure, but we are definitely planning to have more fun for the next one month. Because at So-Saree, we celebrate birthdays for a month, and not just one day.

For So-Saree's Second Anniversary, I decided I will do something that would make me happy.
And so after years of procrastinating, I finally registered to pledge my Eyes.

If you too have been thinking of pledging your eyes, I recommend you do it now.

I am urging all my readers, followers and fellow bloggers to pledge their eyes today and make someone less fortunate see this world through your eyes.


  1. OMG.... thats is huge. Such a noble and thought-provoking gesture.
    I don't know when i'd ever be able to make such bold decisions. But im sure going to try.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Happy Birthday So-Saree! Time truly flies! And on this auspicious moment, you have a great thought! Cheers!

  3. congrats babe! so glad to have found u and ur blog!! lots of love! cheers to coming posts on sarees, nail art, recipes, travel et al....

  4. That's such a wonderful way to celebrate!!! Those beautiful pair of peepers will make someone very happy one day!
    Great thought and congratulations on the blogiversary!! <3

  5. Congratulations Aditi! Nice noble thought

  6. Amazing way to celebrate the blogiversary!
    Kudos to your thought.



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